Case report

Thalamo-mesencephalic aspergillus abscess in a heart transplant subject: a case report and literature review
Mazzaferri Fulvia, Adami Irene, Tocco Pierluigi, Cazzadori Angelo, Merighi Mara, Forni Alberto, Storato Silvia, Ferrari Sergio, Concia Ercole
Cerebral aspergillosis is a rare and highly fatal infection that mainly affects immunocompromised patients. We report on a case of a heart transplanted Caucasian man, who arrived at our hospital because of the onset of diplopy. We performed a broad diagnostic work-up: the brain MRI showed a single ring-enhancing thalamo-mesencephalic area suggestive of abscess lesion; cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis disclosed galactomannan and β-D-glucan antigens. Thus the antifungal therapy was immediately started. We decided to discontinue the therapy 16 months later because of severe hepatic toxicity, given that the patient was persistently asymptomatic, brain imaging showed a progressive resolution of the abscess area and CSF antigen analysis was persistently negative. The follow-up at three months was unchanged.

Page 51-55 - Vol.23 N. 1 - 2015